Newbury Park High School
CTE Pathways offered at Newbury Park High School
Choose a pathway below to see more information.

Students earn a cord for graduation and certificate of completion at Senior Recognition Night, for completion of the following:
- CTE Pathway or combination of 3 CTE courses from multiple pathways
- 50+ hours of internship/ volunteer, or 75+ hours of work experience*
- Resume and/or LinkedIn profile
*Special accolades if the 50+ hours relates directly to the student’s CTE pathway

Students should strive to complete the following*
- Work-Based Learning (WBL) experiences: job shadowing, field trips, informational interviews*
*May be required in future academic years

Exploratory Pathway
- 3+ CTE courses from multiple pathways (above)
- Can also include Biotechnology, Photography 1 & 2; Work Experience if students earn the articulated college credit from Moorpark College Career Education