Graphic Design
Conejo Valley High School
Graphic Design
Introduction to Digital Media
Graphic Technology Productions/Advanced Graphic Tech Productions
Are you interested in working with computers? Do you want to do work that has technical and creative elements? The Graphic Design Pathway at Conejo Valley High School helps you develop core design and programming skills as well as the real-world professional skills needed to succeed in college and a variety of creative fields in Digital Design, Game Design and Software Development. Participating in Conejo Valley High School’s trade program for digital design and programming lets
you use state-of- the-art software and produce traditional graphics and games.
This Pathway teaches you …
- About different software applications and media-based disciplines (print design,
motion graphics, photography and cinematography) - Skills development in traditional media and new technologies
Real-world opportunities through this Pathway include …
- Students will design and print logos and artwork for community businesses
- Students will develop marketing strategies to best represent their student enterprise
To view the continuing pathway at a Ventura County Community College District (VCCCD) local college, click HERE.
What our students are saying ...
"We get the opportunity to start our own business while still in school, making stickers, clothing, posters, etc."
Check out our students’ work!
See the full gallery here! >

About the Pathway teacher
Coming Soon