Commercial Photography
Thousand Oaks High School
Lisa Ravitch
Beginning Photography
Art of Commercial Photography Honors
AP 2-D Art and Design
Do you have a passion for photography? Do you want to separate your work from the masses? The Commercial Photography Pathway at Thousand Oaks High School will meet your needs. Classes are set up for all levels and abilities. When you complete this Pathway, you will have earned transferrable college credit and a globally recognized industry standard Adobe Photoshop certification. You also will have learned how to work in a darkroom, gained skills in digital photography, created a unique portfolio highlighting your personal voice, and prepared yourself to work as a photographer. Plus, you will make lifelong friends on the way to meeting these goals.
This Pathway teaches you ...
- Career Tech Student Organization (CTSO) skills (USA) to compete in photography and build leadership skills
- How to use a manual SLR film camera, process film and understand light as an art form to create images
- How to create and process digital photographic images
- Industry vocabulary to discuss the tools and the results of the photographic process
- How to use industry standard software
- How to find your personal voice to create a cohesive series and/or body of work
Real-world opportunities through this Pathway include ...
- Competitions
- Working with community clients to create work to meet their needs
- Globally recognized industry standard certification
- Creation of a portfolio
This Pathway will prepare me for …
A career as a self-employed photographer (working with a master photographer as a trainee), as well as provides skills and education training to enable students to explore advanced higher education in photography to earn a degree.
What our students are saying ...

About the Pathway teacher
Lisa Ravitch has taught photography at Thousand Oaks High School since 2005. She has a Bachelor of Arts in visual anthropology from UCLA and a Master of Arts in social sciences from the University of Chicago. She supports students, encouraging them to find their passions. Every voice matters to her, and helping students find their voice is her passion.